True Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks – Spice Tribe Bulk
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True Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks

True Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks

Butterscotch, Burnt Citrus, Floral

Size: 0.5 lb Bag

True Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum) is considered to be a rare and exclusive cinnamon variety that is native to Sri Lanka. It's much more subtle compared to its fierce cousin Cassia but has unique floral and sweet notes that chefs and home cooks alike seek out.


Organic cinnamon verum sticks


Matale, Sri Lanka

When the summer monsoons pass, the rain-soaked bark of the Ceylon cinnamon trees in the central highlands of Sri Lanka start to release, signaling farmers to hasten the peel with their sharp knives. After rolling the thin, papery, many-layered bark by hand, an artisanal technique specific to the island, the “quills” are then dried in well-ventilated, makeshift tents. Regarding the flavor of Ceylon cinnamon—an heirloom variety native to Sri Lanka and also known as “true cinnamon”—Bon Appétit likens it to “listening to your favorite vinyl record on a $4,000 stereo system, from the comfort of a leather Eames lounge chair.” That is, smooth, sweet and precious on the palate.

Tips for Success

True cinnamon is much more delicate, floral, and citrusy than cassia but works in many of the same applications. The sticks are much softer and able to break apart with your hands. The flavor compounds dissolve in the oil and hot water. It is best to add early in the dish and can be added as a whole stick or ground into a powder.


What is the difference between cassia and ceylon cinnamon?

Ceylon has a sweet, floral, citrusy and delicate aroma compared to the pungent and spicy cassia cinnamon. Cassia also has much higher quantities of coumarin which is a natural plant chemical that can act as a blood thinner and should be ingested in moderation.

Why is ceylon cinnamon so expensive?

Farmers must wait 4 years after a tree has been planted to harvest and even the most skilled harvesters can only make a few pounds of quills a day. This is a delicate process as the thinnest pieces of inner bark are the most prized and they must be kept in whole slabs. As they dry in the sun they curl into the quills we know of as cinnamon.

Is ceylon cinnamon anti inflammatory?

Yes, this spice contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial benefits making this one of the healthiest spices out there.

Limited Harvest

Packed to Order. Ships in 2-5 Days


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